Top 5 Signs of Engine Trouble


Do you know the early warning signs of engine trouble? See more pictures of engines.

Do you know the early warning signs of engine trouble?

We've all done it: While sitting in traffic, maybe at a red light, you listen. Is that a whirring sound? What is that whirring sound? Where is it coming from? Is it from my car? Is it in the engine? Please don't let it be in the engine. It's just the air conditioner. Or maybe it's not even my car. The car in the next lane looks like a real clunker. I bet it's that car.

Repeat with any sound, any smell, any weird feeling you get while driving. Car jerking around? They need to pave this road. Engine smells funny? That's because this whole town smells. Check engine light come on? It's probably a loose gas cap. And of course, if you hear something strange, turn up the radio and drown it out.

Because otherwise, these things can give you a panic attack. With every sound, smell, and insistent light on the dashboard, we see days without a car to get to work and money flying out of our wallets like winged monkeys in little red vests and hats.

Here are a few of the scariest signs of engine trouble, the likely causes. And yes, they almost all require immediate attention -- but there's no need to panic. Unless you actually see those flying monkeys. They're creepy.

5: Warning Lights

A "Check Engine" lamp can signal a variety of issues.

A "Check Engine" lamp can signal a variety of issues.

If your car is working properly, these are what Audra Fordin of "What Women Auto Know" calls "hello, good morning" lights. You fire up the engine and the dashboard lights up like carnival. This is the car's computer checking everything out. One by one, each of the lights turns off and you're ready to drive.

If they don't turn off, though, that's bad. Either very bad or slightly bad, depending on which light remains lit. These lights are connected to sensors that monitor everything your car does. If something seems out of whack, the computer will use these lights to tell you what it is. It can't use its words; it's not KITT, you know.

The lights you'll probably want to pay the most attention to are:

  • Check Oil/Oil Level Low
  • Oil Pressure Low
  • Check Engine

The "Check Engine" lamp is perhaps the most troubling of lights because it could mean so many different things, from "you didn't screw the gas cap on tightly enough" to "look out for pistons flying through the hood and into the stratosphere." The easiest way to find out what this light is telling you is to hook your vehicle up to a scan tool. This diagnostic tool looks a little like an oversized calculator and plugs into a communication port inside the car. After you instruct it to perform the scan, it "speaks" with your car's computers to find out exactly what's prompting the light to turn on.

You can purchase your own tool from an auto parts store for less than $100, but then what? You're probably not going to put on your coveralls and crawl under the hood yourself. Instead, visit a service station, where a technician will use the scan tool to identify the trouble.

4: Doing the Jerk

No, we're not talking about that cool dance where your knees kind of open and close and you move from side to side, and you can get all low and funky with it. We're talking about a car doing the jerk, which is much less cool.

Driving should be free of jerking, surging, or stalling. It should be smooth and easy, more like ballet than Beyonce. What's cool in the club is not cool in an engine.

But if your car is popping and locking, that's a pretty strong sign of engine trouble. It could be due to fouled spark plugs, clogged fuel lines or fuel filter, the main computer reading the driving situation wrong, or many, many other issues.

The last thing you want is for your vehicle to take its own sweet time accelerating, or to give out entirely, as you're merging onto a busy highway with other vehicles barreling down behind you. Likewise, high revving at idle or acceleration that's out of your control are situations you should have a qualified technician investigate and repair as soon as possible.

Preventive maintenance, including regular oil changes and belt replacements at recommended intervals help to keep you out of the danger zone.

3: Rude Noises

A little bit of noise from under the hood is normal.

A little bit of noise from under the hood is normal.

You know how your uncle Barney makes all those sounds at Thanksgiving, and he thinks they're hilarious? Well, if your car ever sounds like Uncle Barney, you've got serious problems.

A tapping or popping that sounds like Barney doing deep knee bends (which never happens), for instance, could indicate detonation taking place within the engine's cylinders. This happens when gasoline ignites prematurely in the combustion chamber of the cylinders and can potentially result in expensive piston damage.

If you hear a grinding noise when you attempt to start your car, your starter motor might need to be adjusted or replaced. If you hear grinding when shifting between gears, it could be transmission replacement time! It's not as fun as it sounds. And if you're driving a manual transmission, do not listen to Uncle Barney when he says, "Grind it 'til you find it."

In most cases, a little bit of noise from either your car or Uncle Barney -- like a mild ticking or clicking -- might be normal. Cars with roller rockers in their valve trains, for instance, emit some ticking noise; and fuel-injected vehicles also produce slightly audible clicks from the injectors [source:].

If in doubt, listen intently, try to track down the general area of the noise as best you can and then attempt to explain it in as much detail as you can to a qualified service professional.

2: Foul Smells

Cars rarely smell delightful. They're burning gasoline or diesel fuel, there's hot metal under the hood, and your brother ate a burrito just before he got in the passenger seat. There's not much you can do about your brother besides open all the windows and monitor his lunch intake, but any other automotive smells that make it into the passenger compartment spell trouble.

The scent may signal oil or coolant leaking from their normally closed-loop systems, or it may indicate dangerous exhaust gases invading your car's interior. Car and truck exhaust contains toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, so if the inside of your car smells as if you were standing behind your car, get out and get it fixed. Fight the urge to take a little nap first. So sleepy. That's the carbon monoxide talking, friends. At least open a window on your way to the shop.

The smell of burning rubber could mean you just did an awesome smoky burnout, or it could be telling you that drive belts or accessory belts beneath the hood are damaged, loose, or worn out. It could also mean that a rubber hose carrying important fluids is touching something that it shouldn't -- something that's too hot and is melting the rubber.

In any case, it's a good idea to act sooner rather than later, as these nasty smells could be linked to a much more crucial and expensive component.

1: Smoke Signals

Exhaust smoke can give you clues about what's going on inside of your engine.

Exhaust smoke can give you clues about what's going on inside of your engine.

Smoke can come from the front or back of the car, and it's not good in either case. But the tailpipe will send-up colored smoke in attempt to tell you what the problem is. Here is your secret decoder ring:

Blue smoke: Oil is escaping from its intended passageways within the engine and is being burned along with fuel. Of course, you could always keep adding engine oil to the crankcase to prevent it from being all burned up (and risking serious engine damage), but the smart thing to do would be to take the car in to have any worn or damaged seals repaired [source: Torbjornsen].

White smoke: Water condensation or antifreeze has mixed with the fuel supply. Again, adding coolant or antifreeze to your car's cooling system will keep your car from overheating for as long as you remember to keep feeding the reservoir, but the wise move is to have it checked out as soon as possible.

If the smoke is coming from under your hood, that probably means you ignored white smoke coming out of the tailpipe, and now your engine is overheating. Or maybe you completely forgot to add coolant at all, and the engine overheated. Not that anyone would ever do that. That's ridiculous.

Author's Note: Top 5 Signs of Engine Trouble

I mentioned in that last tip that no one could possibly be so ignorant as to let their car run out of coolant. No one but me, that is. My first car (when I was 17) was a Chevy Chevette. I knew nothing about car maintenance, having only a vague idea about oil changes being somehow necessary. I certainly didn't know about checking fluids, or paying attention to the temperature gauge in the dashboard, or what to do when any warning lights came on. When hot, white smoke billowed from under my cheap hood, I learned very quickly about the price of coolant ignorance. It's expensive to replace an engine, even in a crappy car from the 80s.


  • com. "Why Is My Engine Making Noise?" (Oct. 13, 2009)
  • org. "What To Do if the 'Check Engine' Light Goes On." March 2009. (Oct. 12, 2009) what-to-do-if-the-check-engine-light-goes-on/overview/index.htm
  • com. "How To Speak Mechanic." (Oct. 12, 2009)
  • Torbjornsen, Tom. "Smoke From Your Tailpipe? Know the Difference Between White Smoke and Blue Smoke." July 8, 2009. (Oct. 9, 2009)
  • Turbo Magazine. "Engine Diagnostics Part Two - Crank, Ignite, Charge." (Oct. 9, 2009)
  • S. Environmental Protection Agency. "On-Board Diagnostics." (Oct. 10, 2009)


The Carroll Shelby Foundation

The Man Behind The Car—The Carroll Shelby Foundation

Being one of only a few official authorized Shelby mod shops in Canada we are very fortunate to continue to work with Shelby after the passing of their founder and Shelby creator Carroll Shelby in 2012.

As we ourselves at Dale Adams Automotive raise money yearly for the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada with our Powering the Cure Golf Tournament we also wanted to recognize the impact that The Carroll Shelby Foundation has made in the United States through the foundation.

Thanks to the information on we can share this great story.

The Carroll Shelby Foundation is dedicated to providing financial support for children and medical professionals to help overcome life-threatening health issues worldwide and promoting continuing educational development. 

About Carroll Shelby

Carroll Shelby with ChildLegendary racer and automotive manufacturer Carroll Shelby, following years of heart-related difficulties, which culminated in a successful heart transplant, created the Carroll Shelby Children's Foundation in October 1991. The organization is dedicated to providing assistance for acute coronary and kidney care for young people who share many of the same afflictions. 2009 the Foundation took another beat and expanded its reach and became the Carroll Shelby Foundation helping kids from their first heartbeat through their education years.

To date the Carroll Shelby Foundation has helped numerous youngsters undergo major coronary surgeries and help charities and children worldwide raise money for their own fundraising campaigns and provided seed monies to launch healthcare programs and facilities, the Foundation also provides grants to organizations conducting research in the fields of coronary and organ transplant management. The Foundation, expanding its reach, will provide scholarship money to kids dedicated to enhancing their lives through continuing educational opportunities in the automotive field.

Carroll Shelby

Shelby, who waited years before receiving his own heart transplant, was keenly aware of the difficulties and expense involved in heart surgery and the often-lengthy process to locate a suitable donor organ. He created the Foundation because he realized that many needy children would have their lives cut short without some type of financial assistance.

The Carroll Shelby Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 and funding comes from a myriad of programs conducted throughout the year. These programs include, generous donations given in exchange for Carroll's autographs, generous donations from corporate and private sponsors, Ford Motor Company and through his personal appearance fees. In addition, Team Shelby, the Shelby American Automobile Club (SAAC), the Shelby Mustang clubs and the Shelby Dodge clubs all include the Foundation as an active participant and beneficiary of their national and regional convention event proceeds.

The Legacy

Save a life. It's painless.

Last year more than 23,000 patients began new lives thanks to an organ transplant.

About 56 people receive an organ transplant everyday in the United States.

Today more than 80,000 people are awaiting a transplant.

Every 14 minutes another person is added to the transplant list.

In the United States alone, 16 people die each day awaiting their transplant.

Inclusion on the transplant list requires "proof" of payment in advance. Therefore many die before they even make it to the waiting list.

For more information on this great charity please visit

For information on our charity Powering the Cure Golf Tournament please click here.

Dale Adams Automotive Joins Elite NAPA AUTOPRO Service Centre Designation

Dale Adams Automotive always puts our customers first. To continue to deliver the best service and products to our customers we make sure we are partnering with the best automotive companies. We have now just become one of only 25 automotive service centres in Calgary that are certified NAPA AUTOPRO centres. We are excited to be partnered with such a great company. Here is what it means to be a NAPA AUTOPRO service centre.


NAPA AUTOPRO is a dedicated team of highly trained technicians using state-of-the-art technology who are ready to provide you with unequalled maintenance, quality customer care and a range of services designed to keep your vehicle young for a long, long time. Thanks to our unparalleled expertise and a commitment to going the extra mile, you can rest easy knowing that you and your car will be taken care of from start to finish. WHO WE ARE Since 1984, NAPA AUTOPRO has been the place Canadian drivers turn to for mechanical repair and vehicle maintenance services. Today, we have service centres across the country offering expert help on everything from tune-ups and brake work to air conditioning and suspension.


When you bring your vehicle in for maintenance or repair, we guarantee a level of service uncommon in the industry. That means appointments tailored to your schedule, detailed safety and maintenance inspections, no work or billing surprises, manufacturer-recommended services, responsible environmental practices, and recall alerts. Plus, we only use high-quality, competitively priced parts so you know you’re getting your money’s worth. And we back it all with a personalized, competitive service warranty that works in your favour.


Our facilities are staffed with professionals who are trained to offer exceptional service and quality repair work day in, day out. So if your car is brand new, a timeless classic, or somewhere in between, we have the experience, equipment and training to get the job done right.

Contact us for all your vehicle needs, we are here for you and have been for over 40 years. Support local!

It's easy to forget about your tires or just rely on what came with your vehicle. However, we want to help educate you a bit. Instead of a long essay, we figured it easier to use some professional videos that highlight 3 key points.

New Tires vs. Worn Tires

How much difference does it make? Let's watch a very cool video by Engineering Explained with help from our friends at Michelin Tires. If you want more details on this we encourage you to visit the Michelin website here:


Summer vs Winter vs All Season - What Tires Should You Buy?

We get this question all the time here at Dale Adams. "Are All Season tires good enough for winter?".  Always consider where you live and the conditions. It can cost you a bit more but consider that winter tires usually have a 5-7 year life span. What does Engineering Explained say. Watch and learn.


What to watch out for buying tires - Industry Insider Report

We are always very transparent with all of our customers but we encourage you to watch this ABC News story about what you should watch out for from salespeople when buying ties. Great tips.


We are here to help.

We here at Dale Adams work with multiple tire vendors and we always put our customers first. If you have questions about tires come talk to us and we will make sure we meet your needs and your budget.

Contact us for more information.

  1. If your car is hot inside you can cool it down by 5-10 degrees really quickly.

    hot in carThough you look like you are a bit crazy, if your car is sweltering hot inside here's the trick to cool it down really quick.

    Simply roll down your driver's side window all the way, then get out of your car and walk around to the driver's side of the car, or better yet have a passenger help. Then just open and close the passenger door about 10 times to create an air flow inside the car. Boo yeah, much cooler. You don't have to close the door all the way so don't feel like you have to slam the door.

  2. Contrary to popular belief, you actually save gas by using the air conditioning while driving fast rather than rolling down the windows.

    For those who want to save on gas costs many times we have heard that driving with the AC off will save on gas costs. Though true at slower and moderate city type driving, at faster speeds-like on a highway-it is more economical on gas to actually roll the windows up and use the AC. Show this article to the disbelievers.

  3. You can drive for free if restaurants are nice and let you have their used cooking oil.

    classic deep fryerIf you drive a vehicle with a diesel engine, it is possible to drive it without ever buying any diesel. With the addition of a conversion kit, you can actually run such vehicles on vegetable oil—such as the used cooking oil discarded by fast-food restaurants each day. Since you’re basically burning trash, your fuel bill can be reduced almost to zero. Plus, you’re both eliminating waste and running on renewable, 100% bio-based fuel. The potential downside: according to some users, it makes your exhaust smell like french fries.

  4. Horsepower doesn't really relate to the power a horse can exert.

    horse powerBy the formal definition of horsepower-the power required to lift 33,000 pounds by one foot in one minute-a real horse musters only about 0.7 horsepower. Maybe the horses just need to install their own supercharger?

  5. Maybe we should let Big Brother drive.

    Though we have to get over our control issues and it would be less fun for us that enjoy driving, society would be better off if we let the computers take over. Self-driving cars could improve highway flow by regulating distances between cars and ease urban congestion by automating the search for parking (which causes up to three-quarters of city traffic). There would be very little traffic, less accidents and we could nap like champions to get rid of those extra adult beverages you had on a work night.

We hope you enjoyed these little factoids of ours. Please feel free to share any of your tips about the cars we all use and love.

The Dale Adams Crew

Do you love vintage and performance and all things cars? Well then we have the career for you. Dale Adams Automotive is hiring.

We are looking for the following:

  • Licensed Automotive Services Technicians (or a 2nd or 3rd year apprentice)
    This is a full time position and we offer competitive wages based on experience and certifications.

  • Experienced Parts People
    This is also a full time position and offers competitive wages based on experience.

Dale Adams is a legend in Calgary and has been operating for over 40 years now in Calgary. We recently expanded and we are busier than ever so we need the best in the business to help us maintain our highest quality standards and exceptional service.

Though we offer complete maintenance and services for all makes and models, Dale and his team are world-famous for their work on classic vintage vehicles and excel in performance vehicles. 

As the only Official Shelby Mod shop and trusted with the most amazing vehicles you'll ever see we want the best people that really care about their work and share our passion for these vehicles.

This is no ordinary garage.

If you'd like to work on cars like these in the photos below, then apply today by sending your resume to



"Like a Boss" simply stated, is the best way to describe this truck. With it's aggressive and tailored looks, the Boss sets itself apart from the rest of the pack. Equipped with a 5.0L V8 Supercharged engine pumping out 700+ horsepower to get your adrenaline pumping, this truck has an attitude all on it's own.

Download the Ford F150 Boss Edition Specifications Sheet

There is no limit to what you can dream when it comes to the automotive world. From doing a full Shelby conversion, adding a super charger to your vehicle or even a restoration project. Whether it’s giving your ride more horse power or a suspension package, wheels tires, whatever it is, we want to know and we want to help make it a reality.

One obstacle that hold more of us back from our automotive dreams is not having the money up front to make it happen. That’s why we have teamed up with RBC to offer a financing solutions for our clients. We have the services of Calvin Yip to bring the financing option to a reality here at Dale Adams Automotive.

The process is simple, just give us a call, send an email or however you want to get in touch with us and we can talk about what your needs are, and start the application process. Fill out the application form you can download below and set up an appointment to get you approved so we can get rolling on the path to make your automotive dreams a reality.

We believe everyone should live their dreams, and seeing you leave here in your dream car with a smile on your face is ours. So stop in, email or give us a call and lets get you on the path to living your dreams today.

Download Application Form (1.4MB PDF)

Let’s get your vehicle moving!!

We are very happy to announce that Dale Adams Automotive has become a dealer for Cobb Tuning.

This allows us to bring in another amazing product line that offers high quality, high performance parts to our clients. Cobb Tuning is an industry leader; with years of Research and Development, they have created vehicle specific staged packages designed to transition your ride from bone stock to a powerful, drivable, daily smile-making machine! Programming, exhaust system upgrades, air induction systems, cooling systems, drive train, and fuel system upgrades are only a few products COBB offers.

Upgrading your vehicle can be easier than you think.

Cobb tuning has developed different stage packages for the vehicle platforms they support. Whether you need just a little bit more power or want to the most out of your vehicle, Cobb has the answer. You can do it all at once or we can help to upgrade your vehicle in different phases until it’s exactly how you want it. Starting with the Accessport; it flashes in proper mapping based on the modifications done to your vehicle and then building out the package to fit your needs and budget from there.

We will be more than happy to consult with you to recommend the right upgrades to your vehicle.

We don’t just want to give your vehicle more power, we want you to leave our shop with a smile AND a vehicle that performs better than ever. So give us a call today at 403.777.4777, email us at or stop in and chat about how we can make your vehicle perform like no other.

 ****Attention Ford owners**** Dale Adams Automotive Specialists is looking for clients that own a Ford vehicle that is supported by Cobb for demo purposes. We need to get some Cobb product on the road!!!

Please contact Derek for more information as you may qualify for special install pricing! 

Sprintex Superchargers

Dale Adams automotive specialists have always been on the cutting edge when it comes to performance upgrades. Being in the industry for 40 years has allowed us to pick, choose and most of all learn about what products give you our clients the best bang for your buck.

With that being said we are proud to announce that we have teamed up with Sprintex Superchargers to become an authorized reseller and installer.

Sprintex $500 Sale

Sprintex SuperchargersThis partnership allows us to offer the option to upgrade your ride with a Sprintex Supercharger! Sprintex Superchargers provide a robust increase in power, improved torque from idle and absolutely
NO LAG. They are fully integrated kits made of high strength polymers, constructed to provide you with greater efficiency and max power.

Sprintex Superchargers product line focuses mainly on the Pentastar V6 Engine ran in many late model Jeep, Ram, Dodge and Chrysler products.

Sprintex SuperchargersWe love the performance of the Sprintex Supercharger on the Jeep Wrangler and are going to be building a demo unit with a little project of our own in the upcoming weeks, (Keep your eyes glued to our social media pages).  That’s right, if you were thinking about adding a supercharger to your V6 Pentastar now you will be able to feel the difference before you buy!

If you would like to order or want more information on Sprintex Superchargers please contact us.

*** If you currently own a supported Sprintex Supercharger vehicle platform you may be eligible for a promotional discount, contact Derek for more information.***

Sprintex Website

Sprintex Superchargers